Book Review-Atomic Habits

Read Together With Me
3 min readFeb 19, 2021

✏️ Author: James Clear is an author and entrepreneur.

📖 Genre: #selfhelp

⏳ Length: 319 pages

🔍 Summary: Atomic Habits is a book that will teach you how to make small changes to build good habits and say goodbye to bad habits.

📝4 Laws for Building Good Habits :

1️⃣ Make it Obvious

2️⃣ Make it Attractive

3️⃣ Make it Easy

4️⃣ Make it Satisfying

🤓The Big Head Frog’s Book Review: The book Atomic Habits has been so popular on #bookstagram, and it’s finally my turn to share this book☺️ Overall, I liked the book. The writing is clear and easy to understand. Although I already knew some of the concepts before reading this book, I still found it useful to read through the whole book again. The author not only gives tips on how to build good habits, but he also provides great examples. Also, the book has changed my understanding of how to create good habits. I always thought that creating a new habit is all about perseverance. However, after reading the book, I think it is more important to build an efficient “system” with the 4 Laws I mentioned above. Once you have that, the system (instead of your willpower) will help you to achieve your goal.

For example, if you want your kids to read more, you can consider putting a book beside their beds (The 1st Law: Make It Obvious). Then, you have to make reading an attractive or even an addicting event for them ( The 2nd Law: Make It Attractive). This could be done by setting up an award system. e.g. if the kid finishes reading five books, he or she can get a treat. Next, you have to make reading an easy task to perform, since people are motivated to do what is easy (The 3rd Law: Make It Easy). Sometimes a bad environment is the biggest obstacle to creating a good habit. So if you want your kid to read more, make sure that your home has a great reading spot for kids to read. With a comfortable environment, people are more likely to perform a certain habit again and again. Finally, make reading a satisfying task (The 4th Law: Make It Satisfying). Introduce your kids to great book series like Harry Potter. They might even find reading a satisfying and enjoyable habit 🙌 Mission complete, Viola!

All in all, tips in Atomic Habits could be applied to many different areas, and I can’t wait to try them out when the new semester starts. Hopefully, by creating a proper system, I could better manage my time and go to bed earlier ☺️

❤️ You might want to read this book if you want to build helpful habits and live a more efficient life.

Disclaimer: I do not own the image of the book cover. Quotes are taken from the book.



Read Together With Me
